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dlib Toolkit for machine learning and data analysis applications
dlib-cpp Machine learning framework written in C++
dlt-daemon GENIVI Diagnostic Log and Trace
dlt-viewer GENIVI Diagnostic Log and Trace viewing program
dma The DragonFly Mail Agent
dmake SunPro parallel make
dmarcaroni-client Free and open source software to do DMARC monitoring
dmarcaroni-server Free and open source software to do DMARC monitoring
dmd Digital Mars D compiler
dmd-bin The D Programming Language from Digital Mars
dmenu-git Dynamic menu for X
dmt-ux DSL modem tool for Unix
dnrd Dnrd is a caching forwarding DNS proxy
dns2tcp Dns2tcp is a tool for relaying TCP connections over DNS
dnsdist Highly DNS-, DoS- and abuse-aware loadbalancer
dnswalk DNS debugger
docbook-xsl-ko DocBook XSL customization layer for Korean
docbook-xsl-ns Docbook XSL modular stylesheet
docbook2X Convert DocBook documents into traditional Unix man page format
docdiff Show char word line difference
docker-buildx Docker CLI plugin for extended build capabilities with BuildKit
docker-cli Command-line tool for controlling Docker
docker-compose Define and run multi-container applications with Docker
docker-compose-cli Run your Compose application to the cloud
docker-machine Machine management for a container-centric world
doctest Fastest feature-rich C++11/14/17/20/23 single-header testing framework
docviewer Generic command to automatically select a document viewer
dokuwiki DokuWiki is a standards compliant, simple to use Wiki
doomlegacy-devel The legacy of Doom
doorman Open ports when requested by a *secret knock*
dosbox-staging DOS/x86 emulator focusing on ease of use
dosbox-svn Multi-platform DOS emulator using SDL
dosemu2 Run DOS programs under UNIX
dotproject Webserver base project management
dovecot2-fts-xapian Full text search plugin for Dovecot
downtimed Downtimed is monitoring system downtime
doxy2man Create man pages from doxygen XML output
dpic Replacement for pic/gpic that supports more output formats
driftctl Detect, track and alert on infrastructure drift
drist Simple hosts deployment tool
dropbox Dropbox sync server
drow Low-level ELF file analyzer
drumpiler Drum machine compiler
ds2 Debug server for LLDB
dscan Network scanner
dsniff Password sniffer (webspy)
dsniff-nox11 Password sniffer
dstp Run common networking tests against your site
duali-data Arabic dictionary
dub Package and build management system for D
duf Disk Usage/Free Utility - a better df alternative
dumb IT, XM, S3M and MOD player library
dune-common Contains the basic classes used by all DUNE modules
dune-geometry Includes everything related to the DUNE reference elements
dune-istl Iterative Solver Template Library
dunst-git Customizable and lightweight notification-daemon
duplo Find duplicated code blocks in large C/C++/Java/C
dvbsnoop DVB / MPEG stream analyzer program
dvegas Parallel Adaptive Monte Carlo Integration in C++
dwarf_fortress Single-player fantasy game in a randomly generated, persistent world
dwepcrack Dwepcrack uses varioius methods to extract WEP keys
dwm-git Dynamic window manager
dxmake Yet another make tool
dzen-git General purpose messaging and notification program
dzen2 General purpose messaging and notification program
e00pg Converting ESRI-E00 coverages into PostgreSQL/PostGIS sql instructions
easymesh Mesh generator
eboard-extras Extras sets, pieces and sound or eboard
ecasound Multitrack audio processor
ecb Emacs Code Browser
eciadsl-usermode Driver for Globespan chipset-based ADSL USB modems
eclipse Java IDE
ecrire Simple text editor for the enlightenment desktop
edb-debugger Cross platform x86/x86-64 debugger
edb-debugger-git Cross platform x86/x86-64 debugger
edbrowse Command Line Editor Browser
ede21 Equinox Desktop Environment
edelib21 Libraries for Equinox Desktop
edencommon Shared library for Watchman and Eden projects
edid-decode Decode EDID information from monitors
editorconfig-checker Verify that your files are in harmony with your .editorconfig
eduke32 Engine for Duke Nukem 3D
efgallery Minimilistic photo gallery generator in Perl
efibootmgr Tool to modify the EFI boot manager
efl Enlightenment foundation libraries
efltk Extended Fast Light Toolkit
eic C style scripting lang
eiskaltdcpp Cross-platform program that uses the Direct Connect and ADC protocols
ekermit Implementation of the Kermit file transfer protocol
eksctl Official CLI for Amazon EKS
electricsheep Distributed fractal flame screensaver
electron32 Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
elegent Generator of elastic (anti)proton-proton collisions
elementary-calculator Elementary Calculator
elfhash-git Manipulate Hash tables in ELF files
elinks-dev Feature-rich text mode web browser
elinks-libmm Extended/Enhanced Links
elinks-snapshot Extended/Enhanced Links 0.13
elixir-cross-ref Elixir Cross Referencer
elk All-electron full-potential linearised augmented-planewave
mk Subfolder