dlib | | Toolkit for machine learning and data analysis applications |
dlib-cpp | | Machine learning framework written in C++ |
dlt-daemon | | GENIVI Diagnostic Log and Trace |
dlt-viewer | | GENIVI Diagnostic Log and Trace viewing program |
dma | | The DragonFly Mail Agent |
dmake | | SunPro parallel make |
dmarcaroni-client | | Free and open source software to do DMARC monitoring |
dmarcaroni-server | | Free and open source software to do DMARC monitoring |
dmd | | Digital Mars D compiler |
dmd-bin | | The D Programming Language from Digital Mars |
dmenu-git | | Dynamic menu for X |
dmt-ux | | DSL modem tool for Unix |
dnrd | | Dnrd is a caching forwarding DNS proxy |
dns2tcp | | Dns2tcp is a tool for relaying TCP connections over DNS |
dnsdist | | Highly DNS-, DoS- and abuse-aware loadbalancer |
dnswalk | | DNS debugger |
docbook-xsl-ko | | DocBook XSL customization layer for Korean |
docbook-xsl-ns | | Docbook XSL modular stylesheet |
docbook2X | | Convert DocBook documents into traditional Unix man page format |
docdiff | | Show char word line difference |
docker-buildx | | Docker CLI plugin for extended build capabilities with BuildKit |
docker-cli | | Command-line tool for controlling Docker |
docker-compose | | Define and run multi-container applications with Docker |
docker-compose-cli | | Run your Compose application to the cloud |
docker-machine | | Machine management for a container-centric world |
doctest | | Fastest feature-rich C++11/14/17/20/23 single-header testing framework |
docviewer | | Generic command to automatically select a document viewer |
dokuwiki | | DokuWiki is a standards compliant, simple to use Wiki |
doomlegacy-devel | | The legacy of Doom |
doorman | | Open ports when requested by a *secret knock* |
dosbox-staging | | DOS/x86 emulator focusing on ease of use |
dosbox-svn | | Multi-platform DOS emulator using SDL |
dosemu2 | | Run DOS programs under UNIX |
dotproject | | Webserver base project management |
dovecot2-fts-xapian | | Full text search plugin for Dovecot |
downtimed | | Downtimed is monitoring system downtime |
doxy2man | | Create man pages from doxygen XML output |
dpic | | Replacement for pic/gpic that supports more output formats |
driftctl | | Detect, track and alert on infrastructure drift |
drist | | Simple hosts deployment tool |
dropbox | | Dropbox sync server |
drow | | Low-level ELF file analyzer |
drumpiler | | Drum machine compiler |
ds2 | | Debug server for LLDB |
dscan | | Network scanner |
dsniff | | Password sniffer (webspy) |
dsniff-nox11 | | Password sniffer |
dstp | | Run common networking tests against your site |
duali-data | | Arabic dictionary |
dub | | Package and build management system for D |
duf | | Disk Usage/Free Utility - a better df alternative |
dumb | | IT, XM, S3M and MOD player library |
dune-common | | Contains the basic classes used by all DUNE modules |
dune-geometry | | Includes everything related to the DUNE reference elements |
dune-istl | | Iterative Solver Template Library |
dunst-git | | Customizable and lightweight notification-daemon |
duplo | | Find duplicated code blocks in large C/C++/Java/C |
dvbsnoop | | DVB / MPEG stream analyzer program |
dvegas | | Parallel Adaptive Monte Carlo Integration in C++ |
dwarf_fortress | | Single-player fantasy game in a randomly generated, persistent world |
dwepcrack | | Dwepcrack uses varioius methods to extract WEP keys |
dwm-git | | Dynamic window manager |
dxmake | | Yet another make tool |
dzen-git | | General purpose messaging and notification program |
dzen2 | | General purpose messaging and notification program |
e00pg | | Converting ESRI-E00 coverages into PostgreSQL/PostGIS sql instructions |
easymesh | | Mesh generator |
eboard-extras | | Extras sets, pieces and sound or eboard |
ecasound | | Multitrack audio processor |
ecb | | Emacs Code Browser |
eciadsl-usermode | | Driver for Globespan chipset-based ADSL USB modems |
eclipse | | Java IDE |
ecrire | | Simple text editor for the enlightenment desktop |
edb-debugger | | Cross platform x86/x86-64 debugger |
edb-debugger-git | | Cross platform x86/x86-64 debugger |
edbrowse | | Command Line Editor Browser |
ede21 | | Equinox Desktop Environment |
edelib21 | | Libraries for Equinox Desktop |
edencommon | | Shared library for Watchman and Eden projects |
edid-decode | | Decode EDID information from monitors |
editorconfig-checker | | Verify that your files are in harmony with your .editorconfig |
eduke32 | | Engine for Duke Nukem 3D |
efgallery | | Minimilistic photo gallery generator in Perl |
efibootmgr | | Tool to modify the EFI boot manager |
efl | | Enlightenment foundation libraries |
efltk | | Extended Fast Light Toolkit |
eic | | C style scripting lang |
eiskaltdcpp | | Cross-platform program that uses the Direct Connect and ADC protocols |
ekermit | | Implementation of the Kermit file transfer protocol |
eksctl | | Official CLI for Amazon EKS |
electricsheep | | Distributed fractal flame screensaver |
electron32 | | Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS |
elegent | | Generator of elastic (anti)proton-proton collisions |
elementary-calculator | | Elementary Calculator |
elfhash-git | | Manipulate Hash tables in ELF files |
elinks-dev | | Feature-rich text mode web browser |
elinks-libmm | | Extended/Enhanced Links |
elinks-snapshot | | Extended/Enhanced Links 0.13 |
elixir-cross-ref | | Elixir Cross Referencer |
elk | | All-electron full-potential linearised augmented-planewave |
mk | | Subfolder |